Welcome to 6th Grade Explore Class!
Here we will learn four nine-week units: Character Education, World Cultures, Fine Arts, Survival Skills and Careers, and the Workplace.
Scholars improve interpersonal relationships through the understanding and practice of manners and etiquette. Scholars discuss and develop the concept of character and integrity and analyze famous quotes in our learning skills, applying them to our studies.
Explore covers the comparisons of the customs, traditions, holidays, decorations, clothing, festivities, food, housing, family structures, and education of various cultures in the world, past and present. Scholars develop a basic understanding of career preparation, including writing resumes, business proposals, professional behavior, workplace etiquette, and future goals. Scholars produce classroom projects focusing on the elements of art and design: line, color, shape, form, texture, value, and space. Sixth graders will learn to recognize the beauty of art everywhere. In addition, they demonstrate cursive writing skills efficiently from memory, practicing daily until mastery of cursive writing is achieved.
Explore Class
1st Quarter Objectives
Self Awareness
Social Awareness/Citizenship
Relationship Skills/Trust
Responsible Decision Making
Fairness/Caring/ Appreciation/ Empathy
Computer Science & Technology Class
1st Quarter Objectives
Google Classroom
Email Etiquette
Google Slides
Google Calendar

Welcome to 6th Grade Computer Science and Technology Class. Here we will begin with Digital Citizenship introducing scholars to internet safety. In this, they learn the significance of issues such as computer viruses, copyright laws, and cyberbullying and how to impact their digital footprint positively. Keyboarding, one of the year’s most important topics, advances scholars' typing skills using the qwerty keyboard touch typing method. Throughout the year, scholars are introduced to G-Suite, including presentations, word processing, and spreadsheets, where they build a solid foundation for use in other classes. Scholars gain confidence by working on public speaking skills as they present their work to the class. The spreadsheet applications teach scholars how to incorporate data into their work. Finally, scholars learn the basic logical programming algorithms via hands-on block coding.